Millenium & Year Date Postcards

Absolut Postcards

Mykel MacGuinness Postcards


Featuring the collagery and whimsey of Asa Pieratt
The collecting of ads and postcards with the absolut bottle as a pivotal element is the fancy of many collectors these days. Whether this rage will continue only time will tell.

One facet of this craze is that some collectors have
been moved to create their own absolut postcards for the enjoyment of fellow collectors. In this tradition, Asa Pieratt founder of POV Books and Cards has produced a number of postcards. These are done in very small editions. Copies of some of the recent designs are now being offered through the press.

POV has also published two postcard ads for silkscreens of absolut designs that are available from "Petro Graphics".. These are "Absolut Kentucky and Absolut Vonnegut".  The POV press still has some copies of these postcards available for purchase.  Please inquire for details.  For information on the price and availability of  the silkscreens, contact Joe Petro III at  Petro Graphics Lexington Kentucky.  Email: